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News Stories



  • August

    Providing a sense of security: USACE NATO Missions

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Europe District is working on several missions in Poland in support of its NATO allies that include housing, equipping, and training U.S. troops. These missions aim to deter and not escalate potential aggression and provide a sense of security for citizens of NATO countries. 
  • Taking to the wind for climate change

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Atlantic Division is collaborating with the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. USACE is providing BOEM and its wind energy developer contractors scientific and technical support, and regulatory oversight prior to its construction of offshore wind farms in the waters off the mid-Atlantic and the Northeast coasts.
  • Army Corps Reduces Flood Risk for Green Brook, NJ Residents

    On August 2, 1973, heavy rain overflowed the banks of the Green Brook, a tributary of the Raritan River in central New Jersey. The flooding killed six people and turned streets into rivers, submerging cars and filling basements with water. When the floodwaters receded, they revealed millions of dollars’ worth of damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure.
  • Restoring bird habitats while sustaining ours

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division is collaborating with other agencies and organizations on dredging and beneficial use projects. The projects involve dredging critical navigation channels and using the sediment to restore vanishing bird habitats while also enhancing resilience for coastal communities. 
  • July

    Surveying the Future

    Survey technicians, cartographic technicians and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) pilots are the boots on the ground for the New York District when it comes to collecting the critical information required by engineers, project planners, and real estate specialists. The Survey Section of the New York District resides within the Operations Support Branch of Operations Division. The teams workload comes from every office in the District when there’s a need for geospatial mapping support. On any given day survey teams are in the field collecting hydrographic and topographic maps to support the delivery of the district’s civil works, military and interagency and international support missions.
  • Army Corps Modernizes West Point Cyber Center for Future Leaders

    First Lieutenant Anne Schreiner, a contracting officer’s representative with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District, knew early on she wanted to be an engineer.
  • May

    DCV Hayward Leads the Parade of Ships for Fleet Week NYC

    NEW YORK-The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Drift Collection Vessel HAYWARD sailed alongside U.S. Naval Wasp-Class Amphibious Assault ship USS Battan (LHD 5), Military Sealift ships, and U.S. Coast Guard vessels in the parade of ships that entered New York Harbor May 25th to participate in Fleet Week 2022, a week-long event celebrating the maritime services.
  • April

    Army Corps Maintenance Dredge Newark Bay the Main Artery of the NY&NJ Harbor

    Since the early 1960s, the Newark Bay has been vital to the economic engine which is the New York and New Jersey Harbor, the third largest harbor in the United States. It is home to the Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal, the largest container shipping facility in the New York and New Jersey Harbor.
  • Army Corps Spring Creek Projects Aim to Restore Ecosystems, Manage Flood Risks

    In 2012, thousands of homes in New York City were flooded by Hurricane Sandy. One of many neighborhoods affected by the storm was Howard Beach, in Queens, where the nearby Spring Creek Park and adjacent basins acted as a conduit for ocean waters, flooding residential streets and homes. In the storm’s aftermath, local officials pressed federal and state governments for a solution to prevent future flooding.
  • Inside Caven Point: The People Who Get The Job Done

    Tucked away, yet surrounded by residential apartments sits a facility overlooking New York and New Jersey Harbor. The state-of-the-art building plays a key role in ensuring the safe navigation of everything from toys and hair products to vital fossil fuels used to power homes and businesses. Caven Point Marine Terminal, a key part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, is truly an impressive facility—particularly after being rebuilt from the ground up following Hurricane Sandy—however the true beauty of the place comes from the people working there day in and day out that makes it special.
  • Commanding General Inspects Army Corps Projects at USMA West Point

    Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Milhorn, Army Corps of Engineers’ Deputy Commanding General for Military and International Operations in Washington D.C., traveled to New York for a full day of site inspections at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY, where the New York District has a variety of construction projects in progress.
  • February

    $26 million beach renourishment project works around challenges

    Every few years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredges sand from the Atlantic Ocean and pumps it to a 21-mile stretch of beach from the Borough of Sea Bright to Manasquan, New Jersey. This coastal storm risk management and erosion control project aims to reduce hurricane and storm damage to New Jersey’s beaches. Work is currently underway on the latest $26 million cycle of beach renourishment.
  • Coastal storm splits island and brings communities together

    In 1992, Joseph Vietri, then a coastal engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York
  • January

    Successful flood project benefits small village and New York City miles away

    Matthew Krzyston grew up in the Village of Delhi, a rural community located in Delaware County, New
  • Year in Review – USMA, West Point, NY

    In the beginning of 2021, Dr. Christine Altendorf, the Director of Military Programs for the U.S.
  • Army Corps Railhead Improvements to Facilitate Deployments at Fort Drum

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, will soon begin work on a $27 million project to modernize and expand railway-loading facilities for the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum in northern New York. Last fall, a contract was awarded to Structural Associates, Inc., of East Syracuse, New York.
  • December

    Army Corps, Partners Celebrate Beginning of Construction for Major Long Island Coastal Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, Army Corps leadership and federal, state and local officials and partners, celebrated the commencement of construction on the Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) Coastal Storm Risk Management Project during a formal ceremony at Fire Island Lighthouse on the Atlantic Ocean on Long Island’s south shore 50 miles east of New York City.
  • October

    Giving teachers the tools to prepare students for 21st Century

    Recently, COL. Matthew Posner, MD spoke at the ribbon cutting ceremony for a new state of the art
  • September

    20 Years After 9/11: Revisiting an Army Corps Disaster Response Like No Other

    In 1882, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide disaster relief to flood victims. Since then the Corps has responded to hundreds of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes. Every bit of that experience would be tested in 2001.
  • August

    New York Army Corps Planners Nationally Recognized for Project Study

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New York District Fire Island Inlet to Montauk Point (FIMP) Project Delivery Team (PDT) has received the Army Corps’ National Outstanding Planning Achievement Team Award (Enterprise) for fiscal year 2020 ─ recognizing exceptional team efforts on specifically-authorized feasibility studies and executing the Army Corps’ civil works mission. The team was one of only two recognized throughout the U.S.