Expiration date: 11/29/2017
APPLICANT: Maher Terminals, LLC
Attn: Louis J. Allora
1210 Corbin Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
ACTIVITY: Dredge Holocene sediment with upland placement followed by dredging of HARS-suitable
Pleistocene sediments with placement at the Historic Area Remediation Site
WATERWAY: Elizabeth Channel, a tributary of Newark Bay
LOCATION: Berths 64 & 66, Port Elizabeth, North Fleet Street, Elizabeth, Union County, NJ
The applicant, Maher Terminals, LLC, has requested Department of the Army authorization to increase berthing depths to safely accommodate Super Post Panamax ships in their berthing areas. Berths 64 & 66 will be dredged to 52-feet below the Plane of Mean Low Water. Approximately 6,500 cubic yards of Holocene mud will be dredged and transported to a state approved upland facility. Approximately 22,500 cubic yards of Pleistocene sediments will be dredged and transported to the Historic Area Remediation Site for use as remediation material.