News Releases

Archive: January, 2012
  • Army Corps awards contracts for restoration of Yellow Bar Hassock Marsh Island in Jamaica Bay, N.Y.

    NEW YORK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District has awarded two separate contracts to conduct restoration of Yellow Bar Hassock Marsh Island in Jamaica Bay, N.Y. As part of the Ambrose Channel 3B Harbor Deepening Contract, a $9,937,500 option was awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company to place sand at Yellow Bar, while a $7,293,547.50 contract was recently awarded to Village Dock, Inc., a small business of Port Jefferson, N.Y. for the marsh construction at Yellow Bar Hassock Marsh Island.
  • Army Corps Restoration Project in Jamaica Bay Requires Additional Lifts of the Marine Parkway Bridge at Rocaway

    NEW YORK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Yellow Bar Hassock Marsh Island Restoration Project in Jamaica Bay, N.Y. is underway. The project aims to address the vanishing marsh islands within the Bay. The Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge will be intermittently raised commencing during the fourth week of January to facilitate transporting heavy loads of sand by waterborne vessels to reach Jamaica Bay through the waterway inlet.